Our Ministries

“Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day."
[1 Chronicles 16:23]

D.J. Missions
The Nelson United Methodist ladies mission group puts their faith into action through ministry locally and throughout the world. Some of the their previous projects include a variety of Christian handouts, love baskets for those who are ill or in mourning, pillow case dresses for African missions, hospice gowns, blankets, plastic bag mats for the homeless, lap covers, school bags filled with supplies, personal hygiene kits, prayer shawls and greeting card ministry.
D.J. Missions meets in the fellowship hall on the first Tuesday of every month at 1:00pm. Refreshments are served and all are welcome!
God Provides a Meal
A Joint Ministry between Nelson UMC and Windham UMC
God Provides a Meal is served on the last Friday of the month. The meal is open to all in need.
The meal is served as take-out only and picked up at Windham United Methodist Church, 9051 N. Main St., Windham, OH. Pickup time is 4:00pm.
You must register to pick up meals. To register or volunteer to help, please contact Pastor Sandi at 440-228-3093.

Personal Needs Pantry
A Joint Ministry between Nelson UMC and Windham UMC
The Personal Care pantry is open to all in need. Pantry hours are on Wednesday from 10:00am-2:00pm. Please contact Pastor Sandi at 440-228-3093 for details.
If you would like to donate to the God Provides a Need Pantry, here are our most needed items. Donations can be dropped off during service at either Nelson or Windham United Methodist Church.
The Pantry is located at Windham United Methodist Church, 9051 N. Main St., Windham, OH, 44288
Bathroom Tissue (4 pack please)
Feminine Hygiene Products
Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Denture Tablets
Body Wash or Soap
Shampoo, Conditioner, Combs
Laundry Soap, Dish Soap

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the not-for-profit humanitarian agency of The United Methodist Church. Since 1940 UMCOR's mission — providing relief in disaster areas, aiding refugees and confronting the challenge of world hunger and poverty — has helped to heal the hurts of humanity in nearly 100 countries.
Each year the Nelson United Methodist Church participates in an UMCOR project by preparing relief kits to be used where they are needed most.
Click here to learn more about UMCOR's efforts.